New research area
In 2023, there have been many changes and additions at the museum. These are :-
- Refurbished research area
- Digital display in the golden key display cabinet
- Digital display used in Almanac display cabinet
Photos follow of the 3 new developments for 2023 so far!
Research area of the museum
** Newly refurbished**
The Robert Owen Museum is pleased to announce the Museum Research and Reading Alcove is now open and available for anyone to visit and read all about the life and times of Robert Owen.
Sit and browse the many historical books we have available covering the life of Newtown’s great man. His many travels throughout the UK and America, his worldwide contacts within Europe, Japan and even Russia. The forerunner of what we have today as the Co-op, health care, along with the care and education for children and better working and living conditions for the workforce in the ‘Dark Satanic Mills’ of those days.
Spend just a while in the Robert Owen Museum then the Research and Reading Alcove will fill in the gaps which are not available in the Museum.
We look forward to your visits. Rex Shayler (Chairman)Digital photo frame used to help illustrate a very valuable artefact in the museum and explain the golden key story (lost and found)
Digital photo frame used to illustrate a precious artefact in the museum, the Goldsmith’s or Allsop Almanack