
Website of the Newtown Town Council with local information about Newtown and the councillors that work for the town and its people.

The website of New Harmony where Robert Owen tried to found a Utopian society in Indiana, USA

The World Heritage site of New Lanark where Robert Owen tried out his ideas on management of workers and education for young, mill workers’ children.

The Co-operative Heritage Trust, including information on the Co-operative archive and the Rochdale Pioneers’ museum

Other Newtown Museums and websites mentioning Robert Owen Museum

See around Britain, has a web page with photographs and text describing the museum

Britain Express, also has a web page with a mention of the museum and some photographs.

Newtown Textile Museum is within 7 minutes walk of the Robert Owen Museum and is a fascinating glimpse into the lives of hand loom weavers in Newtown. Open May to September only. Free entry but donations welcomed.  You can use WhichMuseum to find museums in the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom and major cities in other European countries

Videos about Robert Owen

Professor Chris Williams (Celebrating Swansea University Authors) – speaks about Robert Owen and the book – “Robert Owen and his legacy”, of which he is a co-editor


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