A Journey Into Nature

Robert Owen - a journey into nature
Taith I Fyd Natur / Nature pack

In October 2021, Robert Owen Museum took part in Museums Week celebrated across Wales, by opening over the half-term week to give out free activity packs entitled “Robert Owen – A Journey into Nature”.

Visitors to the museum collected a free activity pack which had interesting activities and materials provided which were suitable for families with children. This encouraged visitors to take to the outdoors and see what they could find in the green spaces around Newtown, the same environment enjoyed by Robert Owen as he grew up in the town and visited its green spaces, parks and gardens and travelled through the countryside around it in later life. As world leaders meet at COP26 in Glasgow, near New Lanark, it seems appropriate to make the strong link between Robert Owen and the environment, as ideas and commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are discussed and decided upon.

If you collected this pack and took part in this half-term activity, we would like your feedback by clicking the link below to complete the short survey :  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/J57KGMR


A Journey into nature activity pack

On the same subject, you can view a video of a talk recorded at the museum entitled “Robert Owen and the Environment” by Iolo Williams, made as part of the 250th birthday celebrations.



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